Fancy Sylvaner? Visit us in our vinotheque in Frickenhausen.

A wine tasting with us should always be a special experience for you.

— Manuela Bickel Stump

We like to take our time for you. Please arrange an individual appointment for your tasting. We can welcome 4-20 people in our vinotheque.

In our vinotheque in Frickenhausen you can taste wines all year round. During opening hours we welcome you as the Bickel-Stumpf family - winemaker Matthias, his wife Manuela or dad Reimund. In order to be able to look after you personally and individually, we ask that you register in advance.

It is important to us that you feel comfortable in our vinotheque in beautiful Franconia, that you receive professional advice and that you can taste our wines in peace. We see a wine tasting at a winery as an opportunity to get to know the family business and the personal philosophy of the winemaker better. We would be happy to take you on this "little journey" with us during your visit. With us, immerse yourself in the Franconian dolce vita for a moment and enjoy the best VDP® wines and the wonderful atmosphere of our Frickenhausen vinotheque.

In our vinotheque in Frickenhausen you can taste wines all year round. During opening hours we welcome you as the Bickel-Stumpf family - winemaker Matthias, his wife Manuela or dad Reimund. In order to be able to look after you personally and individually, we ask that you register in advance.

A wine tasting with us should always be a special experience for you.

— Manuela Bickel Stump

It is important to us that you feel comfortable in our vinotheque in beautiful Franconia, that you receive professional advice and that you can taste our wines in peace. We see a wine tasting at a winery as an opportunity to get to know the family business and the personal philosophy of the winemaker better. We would be happy to take you on this "little journey" with us during your visit. With us, immerse yourself in the Franconian dolce vita for a moment and enjoy the best VDP® wines and the wonderful atmosphere of our Frickenhausen vinotheque.

We like to take our time for you. Please arrange an individual appointment for your tasting. We can welcome 4-20 people in our vinotheque.

Opening hours of the Frickenhausen vinotheque:

Thursday, Friday and Saturday 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m
Monday 09.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m
Or by appointment.

Von Montag bis Donnerstag heißen wir Sie in unserer Vinothek gerne nach Voranmeldung herzlich willkommen.